What Does LOLER Mean?

LOLER is an abbreviation of "Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998". It is often referred to as LOLER regs or LOLER 98 regulations. The LOLER regulations came into force on 5 December 1998.

If you want to know what LOLER is and how it may impact your business, keep reading for more details.

What Are the LOLER Regulations?

Legally, lifting equipment must comply with the rules of LOLER and PUWER. LOLER focuses on the safe use of lifting equipment, while PUWER focuses on the maintenance of work equipment. Both sets of rules are important for ensuring the safety of workers and the proper functioning of equipment.

The LOLER regulations aim to reduce the health and safety risks of lifting equipment provided for use at work. LOLER defines lifting equipment as all equipment used in the workplace for lifting and lowering loads (people or items). This also covers attachments for anchoring, fixing, or supporting the equipment, as well as any relevant accessories.

LOLER is a part of the broader health and safety regulations in the UK. They are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Two yellow cherrypickers outside on a construction site.

Requirements of LOLER Regulations

LOLER replaced existing legal requirements relating to the use of lifting equipment. Many aspects of LOLER should therefore be familiar to you.

  • The Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1961
  • The Lifting Plant & Equipment (Records of Test & Examination etc.) Regulations 1992
  • The Docks Regulations 1988

LOLER requires that all lifting equipment be maintained for safe use. This includes pre-use checks and routine maintenance by trained, in-house staff, alongside regular, thorough inspections by a qualified professional.

The regulations place a duty on anyone who manages lifting operations to ensure that employees can use the equipment safely.

What is a LOLER Inspection?

Generally, LOLER inspections are carried out to ensure that any lifting equipment is:

  • Positioned and installed to minimise any risks
  • Strong and stable enough for the particular use and marked to indicate safe working loads
  • Used safely, i.e. the work is planned, organised, and performed by competent people

Any lifting equipment covered by LOLER is subject to ongoing, thorough examination. Where appropriate, equipment must be inspected by a competent and impartial assessor, such as ISI. To learn what equipment is covered, read our Blog or see our services page by clicking the button below.

Download a copy of our LOLER regulations pdf for further information, or call our helpful LOLER specialist team on 01675 481779.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for LOLER inspections?

Owners or employees responsible for the safe operation of lifting equipment used at work are the “duty holders” under LOLER. This means they have a legal responsibility to ensure that the equipment is well-maintained, routinely checked, and regularly examined for safe use.

How long does a LOLER inspection take?

A routine LOLER inspection carried out by a competent professional will take around 1-3 hours. The duration of testing will depend on the type of equipment being assessed, its age, and overall condition.

How often should lifting equipment be tested?

Under LOLER, lifting equipment should be inspected at least every 6 to 12 months. Each piece of equipment will have a specified requirement, depending on its age, condition, and frequency of use. At ISI, we can manage your test scheduling and notify you of upcoming inspections ahead of time.

Click to find out more about Lifting Equipment Inspections