What Does COSHH Mean?

COSHH is an abbreviation for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. The COSHH regulations came into force in October 2002.

If you’ve been wondering what exactly COSHH is and how these regulations affect your business, read on for more information.

What Are the COSHH Regulations?

These regulations have essentially been put in place to protect employees when working with specific materials and substances. A COSHH assessment, therefore, focuses on the hazards and risks that a person may come into contact with.

COSHH regulation 9 relates to owners and users of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems (LEV plant) and dust/fume extraction equipment. Under COSHH regulations, they are legally obligated to have periodic Thorough Examinations by a competent person.

This involves testing and evaluation using measuring and quantitative techniques to ensure that the equipment is in proper working order and is maintained well.

COSHH regulations are essential for protecting the health and safety of workers and others who may come into contact with hazardous substances in the workplace. Compliance with these regulations helps prevent occupational illnesses and injuries related to exposure to these substances.

Two large ventilation systems on the exterior of an industrial plant.

What Is a COSHH Inspection?

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 require employers to operate and maintain extraction and Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) plant in a safe condition. An initial COSHH assessment should be performed on LEV plant, to determine the level of hazard and amount of airborne contamination, using air sampling. This LEV assessment will determine whether the system is sufficient and provides a benchmark for future thorough examinations.

The Local Exhaust Ventilation regulations (COSHH reg 9) then stipulate a 14 monthly, 6 monthly, or monthly LEV inspection, including examination and testing by a competent person.

Visit our COSHH Regulations pdf for further information or to download a copy, or call our helpful COSHH and LEV inspection specialist team on 01675 481779.

Inside view of an industrial ventilation pipe with a large steel fan at the end.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does COSHH mean and why is it important?

COSHH stands for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and aims to protect workers from ill health when working with hazardous materials and substances. Non-compliance with COSHH regulations is punishable by an unlimited fine.

What substances are covered by COSHH?

COSHH regulations set out the requirements around the use and handling of chemicals, products containing chemicals, fumes, vapours, mists and gases, dust, and biological agents (germs).

Which three substances are not covered by COSHH?

COSHH regulations do not cover lead, asbestos, or any radioactive substances.

What is LEV?

LEV stands for Local Exhaust Ventilation and is an engineering system commonly used to protect employees from hazardous substances when in the workplace.

COSHH regulations (COSHH Regulation 9) specify the requirements for inspecting LEV systems to determine their performance and suitability. 

Click to find out more about LEV Plant Inspections